My son turned 2 and 1/2 last month. Holy cow. He is such a little man with such a creative mind. His favorite thing to do these days is puzzles. It was the only way we made it through parts of conference. He will do the same puzzle over and over. We have been going to the library weekly to change out his options and after doing most of the puzzles a couple of times he is an expert. I love all the new things he is able to do. He is also great at memory and it is wonderful to be able to play games with him! I never realize how fast he is growing up. I taught classes a lot the last 6 weeks, but I finally have a break! One night I got home and Josh said Logan had sorted the clean silverware into the drawer. Really? How come I never thought of asking him to do that. Josh is better at expecting Logan to do things. Now his job is to sort the silverware and not only does he do pretty well, but it gives me a chance to put away the rest of the dishes while he is busy sorting.
He says funny things and I need to start keeping track of them. If I call, "Logan" he will come and say, "Mom, what you need me for?" And he will spin in circles and then say, "I'm getting busy." instead of dizzy. He loves being a part of the conversation and adding to it whenever he can. And lately I have realized more and more how lucky I have to have him and his little personality as my son.
What classes are you teaching?
Looking forward to tomorrow night! :)