I love being married to Josh. So, I don't actually have a numbered list, but if I did this would make it.
Do you prefer a certain side of a slice of bread? Even subconsciously? One day, Josh and I realized we prefer the opposites sides of a slice of bread, and we always started eating the side we preferred least. Ever since, when we have sandwiches we slice them through the middle and share. We call it tops and bottoms. It is a simple thing, but it is so nice to gladly give away the side of bread you least prefer.
Do you prefer a certain side of a slice of bread? Even subconsciously? One day, Josh and I realized we prefer the opposites sides of a slice of bread, and we always started eating the side we preferred least. Ever since, when we have sandwiches we slice them through the middle and share. We call it tops and bottoms. It is a simple thing, but it is so nice to gladly give away the side of bread you least prefer.